Hi Guys
This is the moment to put all the questions you never ask about the orcas and the sailing boats.
The sailing season will begin soon, and sailors must consider the orcas as a risk when they set a route around the coasts of Portugal, Spain, or France.
And I am sure that you have many questions.
I invite you all to the orcas.pt live stream LET'S TALK ABOUT ORCAS with RENAUD DE STEPHANIS - CIRCE at 27th March at 9 pm (CET)
Between other subjects, we will speak about:
- what to do to avoid incidents with orcas
- what to do in case of an orca encounter
- what are we doing in this year to help sailors
This and other subjects will be discussed in this livestream.
If you have questions that you would like to have answered, send a message to info@orcas.pt
The link to the live stream is: