Ahoy sailors To access the Telegram groups, you need to go to www.t.me/orcaspt and send me a message with your full name, the name of the boat, and your date of birth. This is for the members/subscribers who still don't have access and would like to have it. After this, you can go to www.orcas.pt/links to get the links to access the groups. If you have any questions, send me an email to rui@orcas.pt Cheers Rui
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See AllAhoy Sailors If you are a member of orcas.pt but are not receiving messages from Telegram groups, it means you are not in the...
If you are a member, and want to be in Telegram groups you need to send me a message using the link www.t.me/orcaspt Send me your full...
Last Wednesday, we did a live stream, "LET'S TALK ABOUT ORCAS II - with RENAUD DE STEPHANIS" to discuss and show videos about the main...
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